Local Authority Delivery & Local Authority Eligibility Flexibility


Local Authority Delivery (LAD)

The LAD scheme aims to raise the energy efficiency of low-income and low EPC rated homes (those with Band E, F or G)

This includes those living in the worst quality off-gas grid homes, delivering progress towards reducing fuel poverty, the phasing out the installation of high carbon fossil fuel heating and the UK’s commitment to net zero by 2050.

Local authorities in England (individually or as part of a consortium bid with other local authorities / partners) can submit bids for funding to improve the energy efficiency of the homes of low-income households in their areas.

Requirements for eligibility

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  • Households should have a combined income of no more than £30,000
  • Homes to be improved should be currently rated as EPC E, F or G
  • 100% subsidy for owner-occupiers (up to £10,000)
  • Two-third subsidy for social and private landlords (up to £5,000)

Local Authority Eligibility Flexibility (LA Flex)

LA Flex is the extension of the Government’s Energy Company Obligation (ECO) scheme that helps UK households reduce their energy bills and carbon footprint. The LA Flex Scheme is designed to help those householders who are not in receipt of benefits but who are living on a low income and are vulnerable to the effects of living in a cold home.

How does LA FLEX work?

Essentially, Local Authorities can define their own criteria and work with ECO-accredited, pre-approved partners like Clean Energy to install energy-saving measures for households which require them.

Could I qualify for LA Flex funding?

Each authority that is taking part in the scheme will have published a statement of intent, which lays out the additional criteria and specifies how a household can be included in the ECO scheme. Every local authority will have its own eligibility criteria, so it is important to check the rules in your area. The exact criteria may vary depending on the Local Authority, but it will generally come down to three main areas: age, health and property type.

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